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Galvanic technology, PTFE (Politetrafluoroetilene) Resistors for galvanic baths

Galvanic technology, PTFE Resistors for galvanic baths

Using fairly simple construction processes, it is possible to build particularly sturdy and reliable heaters, to use in perfect safety in highly corrosive environments.

The wise combination of raw materials quality and experience was able to obtain a product complying with the highest standards requested by the various sectors of use.

The external sheaths are manufactured by various types of materials that make them resistant against the various typical acid combinations of these sectors.

Among the different materials, we remind:

Technical data

Some uses suggested

One of the main sectors of use is the galvanic technology one, where these heaters are used to heat or fluidify different highly corrosive chemical components.
They are also used in all those cases when the heater is immersed vertically or in case of significant variations of fluid level (e.g.: storage tanks, combustion oil and sewage waters, food substances or storage drums).

Substance and density table

The table indicates some of the most common uses in the galvanic technology sector, for which the immersion resistors are used. The table also indicates the surface density (W/cm²) of the heater active section, referred to its type of supply it was manufactured for.

Application type W/cm2
Acid bath (sodium hypochlorite) 2
Anodizing bath 1,8
Chemical brightening bath 2
Aluminium brightening bath 2,5
Cadmium bath 1,5
Chrome bath 1,8
Cleaning bath 2,5
Iron bath 1,5
Phosphatising bath 2,5
Washing bath (sodium chloride) 1,8
Nickel bath (alkaline) 1,8
Nickel bath (acid) 1,6
Lead bath 2
Tin bath 2
Zinc bath (alkaline) 1,8
Zinc bath (acid) 2

The above data are purely indicative and do not take into consideration the infinite variants, present during the process phases or the different products concentration used case by case. Therefore, damages deriving by different and/or improper heater use, are to be ascribed totally to the user’s negligence.