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Thermoregulation skids and complete fan heaters


Used as process and finishing electric heaters tool kits and, the THERMOREGULATION SKIDS are units used to transfer heat.

They are generally made up of:

  1. Main heating unit (heating beam) + cover / normal or insulated container.
  2. Thermoregulatory control unit and/or control panel/electric panel
  3. Start-up Frame/ Installation start-up platform for support / handling of the complete system

Upon client’s specification, the thermoregulation skids are also supplied including auxiliary instruments, valves, pumps, exchangers.

“AD HOC” PERSONALIZED SYSTEMS for Electric Process Heaters, Continuous Heaters, Superheaters and Heat Exchangers

Always upon client’s specification, they can be equipped with electric panels for thermoregulation and process control, or through manual power variators, analogue or digital static power units SCR or P.I.D. controllers.
Their advanced product design employs precise timelines and directions, since the system is personalized according to the technical specifications and precise process exigences the system is foreseen for.

It is possible to manufacture thermoregulation skids in the non-dangerous environment version and in version for application in explosive environment, in explosive-proof configuration II2G EEx-d IIC / IIB (ATEX).  



ELECTRIC AEROTHERMS & FAN-HEATERS for HVAC units (Air Duct Heaters for HVAC units and Air Conditioning Units + Coupling Convey Ring + Fan-Ventilation System)


Upon customer demand, we complete our Air Duct-Heaters range with the supply of standard and non-standard fan-heater systems for HVAC units and Air-Conditioning Units / Air Handling Units, suitable for being installed into AHUs (Air Handling Units), that means Air Duct Heaters with enclosed with Ventilation-Fan Systems (Axial And Centrifugal Fan).
These units are installed onboard Air Heating Units (either with finned and non-finned heating elements) by means of a metal frame casings, named “Coupling convey ring”, in order to allow to the fan-system propeller to supply a homogeneous air-flow velocity crossing the air inlet of the electrical air heating unit (Electric Air Heating Unit / Duct Heater) at certain indispensible technical parameters, which we summarize as follows:
  • Supply Voltage (Volts)
  • Phases: Single-Phase or 3-Phase
  • Fan-Ventilation System Engine Power in KW required to produce a given air velocity, measured in meters per second (m/s), or air delivery (m3/h).
  • Air-Ventilation velocity (in RPM – ripeats per minute)
  • Pressure Drop (in Pascal ml of water columns)
  • Diameter of the Fan-system propeller (in mm)

These fan-heating units are composed with a fan-system engine enclosed with propeller  and a cylindric convey ring.

Our Electrical Fan-Heaters (Aerotherms and Air Channel Duct Heaters) can be equipped with industrial ventilation fan-systems, as per what below summarized:

  • Centrifugal Fan Systems

  • Axial Helical Fan Systems

The range of application of such Air Ventilation Fan-heaters / Aerotherms  is incredibly wide, with air delivery in the range from 120 to 250.000 m³/h, air pressures from 5  to  5000 kgf/m², with ventilation fan engines with nominal power  from 0,18 to 500 kW and with propeller diameter from 160 to 1.600 mm., up to a diameter of 2.000 mm. for the most exigent applications.

Besides, we can design and manufacture special versions of such air ventilation fan-heaters / Aerotherms suitably applied to high temperature applications, abrasive dusts, inflammable  and/or dangerous gases, etc.), either for material type or for specific application/design needs,  in order to suit any of our custumer needs.


The entire range of our electric aerotherms / fan-heating units is sturdy and fully reliable; these are built with high indisputable experience italian leading manufacturers’ fan-system engines, whose production cycles are certified and subject to the strictest technical-dimensional checks and electric tests in compliance with our own standards set forth ISO 9001:2015 certified Corporate Quality System and in full compliance with the latest european and international rules in force.

The construction and the documentation supplied to each electro-ventilation system is in compliance to European Directive Machine 89/392/CE and all electro-ventilators we’ve been applying to our Air heating units are exclusively marked “CE”.


The sectors of application of our electric HVAC fan-heaters and aerotherms equipped with electro-ventilator either with Radial/Centrifugal or Axial fan type are mainly designed for several applications in various industrial sectors; some of  its typical uses and applications are as follows:
  • Air-Conditioning and Climatization Units Industry (Air HVAC and AHU plants and machineries)
  • Hot Chambers, Drying Ovens, Packing-Packaging machineries, Fume abatement plants, Air-drying plants
  • Coating Cabins and Painting plants, Pre-heating ovens, Autoclaves heating
  • Manufacturing industry, Wood machines, Glass surfaces treatment machines, Tannery industry, Paper mill industry, Building industry and Brickworks, Textile industry, Farm industry, etc.


“Main guide-lines for ventilation and aerolics”:

With the term “ventilator” it is intended to refer to a rotating machine composed with engine and propeller which transfers to the fluid (air flow) which crosses it a certain energy, in terms of full pressure. The proportional ratio between the maximum pressure whilst the outlet-flow and the suction/intake must never overtake the coefficient of 1.2, related to standard technical conditions of air ( ρ = 100.000 N/m² t = 16°C ).
The full power installed onboard an air electric heater (measured in kW) has to be calculated by using the following formula:
KW = LM x (T.OUT – T.IN)


KW = SCFM x (T.OUT – T.IN)


LM = Air Delivery (in L/min)

T.IN = Air Intake Temperature (°C) (normalmente pari a 20°C)

T.OUT = Air Outlet Temperature required (°C)

SCFM = Standard Cubic Feet per Minute = (Liters per min. / 28.3)

T.IN = Air Inlet Temperature (°F) (typically 70°F)

T.OUT = Required Air Outlet Temperature (°F)

The main figures which are typical of a fan-system are:

  • Air delivery: air flow measured in terms of  volume or mass related to air conditions at the time of suction. Given a certain value of air delivery at the temperature “t”, then its value, in normal conditions, is calculated by mean of the following formula: