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    Information pursuant to Art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679

    All personal data are processed within the normal course of business of TRE "C" S.r.l. and EVERWATT S.r.l. only for administrative-accounting and commercial purposes. Without any preliminary processing or communication of data having a compulsory nature for the described purposes, it won’t be possible to provide anyone partial or full services and/or products required. The data may be divulgated to third parties – either companies or natural persons - who carry out activities strictly connected and instrumental to the own company business relationship management and will be retained for a maximum duration of 10 years and/or until the conclusion of the contractual relationship. The Data Controller is TRE "C" S.r.l. and/or EVERWATT S.r.l.

    I read and accept personal data treatment accoding to Decree n. 196/03 and Ue Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)
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