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ATEX cartridge resistance for air and gas


ATEX cartridge heaters for air heating are manufactured with highly innovative production solutions, ranging from top quality materials from the world’s best markets, making it possible to create a heater that meets the highest standards of reliability. They are made for various industrial uses in the heating of gaseous fluids and specific explosive atmosphere installation.

This type of heaters ensures optimum performance and efficiency in maintaining the temperature of gaseous fluids (air, vapors, gas, etc …) whose thermal process takes place in the presence of explosive atmospheres.

Thanks to their compact design, it is possible to enclose a very high surface density (W / cm²), which allows it to reach very high operating temperatures thanks to the extreme proximity of the resistive wire spiral to the inner wall of the sheath which guarantees an immediate and optimal heat exchange with the outside environment, which gives this type of resistance a longer working life than conventional armored heaters, as well as remarkable energy saving, excellent insulation at high temperatures, excellent resistance thermal and mechanical shocks and the possibility of direct control (version with internal thermocouple).

The heating elements that make up the tubular bundle can take various forms that make them suitable to be easily installed even in pipes, tanks, tubular ducts or pressure tanks, either in horizontal or vertical position, for direct or indirect heating of gaseous fluids intended for the most unlimited use in the main industrial sectors.

Designed to work even in extreme conditions in the presence of explosive atmosphere, this type of ATEX electric cartridge heaters guarantees optimal thermal exchange, even in very compact dimensions.

CERTIFIED QUALITY PRODUCTCartridge-Heaters_overview

The use of high-quality materials within our production cycle allows our ATEX certification cartridge resistors to achieve high operating temperatures and a medium to long-term operating life.
The entire production cycle of the ATEX cartridge resistors is subjected to the most rigid dimensional and electrical tests in accordance with our ISO 9001: 2008 certified quality management system and in full compliance with CEI / EN standards.


The ATEX cartridge heater consists of a stainless steel tube inside which a thermally insensitive ceramic insulator is inserted; inside it is inserted one or more U-bent U-shaped spirals in a Ni-Cr 80/20 resistive wire of a given section, able to guarantee optimum working conditions depending on the required power density. In turn, the spiral is immersed in powder of magnesium oxide (MGO) suitably compacted.

These heaters are powered by pure nickel-plated flexible cables insulated in PTFE and glass fibers; Moreover, they can be built in any power, diameter, length, power and voltage of 1 and more circuits, as well as with differentiated power.

They can be equipped with flange mounts of any type, DIN, ANSI, or any other standard, but also flanges of custom size on design. Also, with flexible, rigid, elbow protectors, etc.

They can also be built with built-in thermocouples (standard models in stock with thermocouple type J), ​​with special cable protections, 90 ° cable outputs and other non-standard finishing types on customer specifications.

In addition, they can also be constructed with cold sections at the ends or with differentiated power sections and with 2-3 separate power circuits.

The total installed power on the heating heater can also be subdivided into one or more stages; Moreover, these stages can also be installed on separate tubular bundles / bundles mounted on their respective ATEX explosion proof headers, where all together can be mounted in turn by threaded or flanged couplings to a large process connection flange.

To ensure the design of an efficient ATEX electric heater fitted with a threaded plug, flange, bush, threaded plug or flange, you need to know the following technical parameters:


Among the most common applications of these ATEX certified flange cartridge heaters are:

Benefits of using high-density special cartridge resistors:


The entire production cycle of ATEX flange cartridge resistors is subjected to the most rigid dimensional and electrical tests in accordance with our ISO 9001: 2008 certified quality management system and in full compliance with the requirements of current CEI / EN standards (EN 60079-7: 2007, EN 61241-1: 2004), ATEX94 / 9 / CE and, where required, PED97 / 9 / EC.


This type of heaters consists of a tube bundle formed by one or more electric heating elements of varying diameters having electrical contact perpendicular to outlet or with 90 degree power supply, which is welded to TIG on threaded connections NPT, GAS, Gk 1 “to 2 inch and half or flanges of different sizes according to UNI / DIN, ANSI, JSC standards, or non-unifunctional flanges.

ATEX Temp. Class
‘T6′: 85°C | ‘T5′: 100°C | ‘T4′: 135°C | ‘T3′: 200°C | ‘T2′: 300 | ‘T1′: 450°C
Cold zone Lg. A B A B A B A B A B A B
300 mm T6 X T4 X T3 X T3 X T2 X T2 X
250 mm T6 X T4 X T3 X T3 X T2 X T2 X
200 mm T6 X T4 X T3 X T3 X T2 X  
150 mm T6 X T4 X T3 X      
100 mm T6 X T4 X T3 X      
0 mm T6 X          
Temp. Lavoro /  Working Temp. 0°C 100°C 150°C 200°C 250°C 300°C
Legenda:A = Temp. Class

B = Ex-proof head Temp.-proof allowance


(X)= Yes


()= Not


Equipped with accurate thermoregulators (fixed thermostats with thermocouple and / or thermocouples “J” or “K”), suitable for protecting the heater from overheating and premature damage, have a ATEX electrical wiring heads with properly dimensioned power inputs (metric pitch ‘M’, conical ‘Gk’ or ‘NPT’) according to the customer’s specific needs, depending on the number of installed elements, as well as the power and amperage which determines the power cable section.

The surface load (W / cm2) of these types of ATEX cartridge electric resistors is appropriately determined, from time to time, depending on the conditions of use and the type of fluid to be heated; In addition to these factors, the maximum working temperature and working environment are also variable, which directly influences the choice of the type of sheath material with which to construct the tube bundle of these heaters (Stainless Steel AISI304, AISI 321, AISI 316L , Incoloy800, Inconel 600).

This special type of heaters is particularly suitable for all aeronautical and aerospace, military, and medical uses, as well as on molds and continuous cycle machines that have high plant shutdown costs.