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Ceramic infrared heaters


Everwatt Ceramic Infrared heaters production range have been designed and engineered to get the best performances and infrared output.

Molti materiali plastici ed altre tipologie di materiali assorbono onde infrarossi, il che fa dei riscaldatori ceramici infrarossi una delle più efficienti sorgenti radianti di onde infrarossi. Inoltre, a supporto di questi riscaldatori, un ampio range di riflettori in acciaio alluminizzato assicura che la maggior parte della radiazione infrarossi generata dal riscaldatore venga riflessa in avanti verso l’area o superficie da riscaldare.

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Technical features


Among the main uses of this type of infrared ceramic resistors, we find:

General characteristics and properties of infrared rays

The heat propagates by irradiation when the thermal energy is transmitted from a cold to a cold by means of electromagnetic waves called infrared waves, which are irradiated at the speed of light (3 x 10 cm / sec.), Similar to light radiations. The infrared rays produced by meeting a body, depending on the nature of the irradiated material, the quality of its surface and the wavelength of the radiation itself, give rise to refraction, reflection, absorption and diffusion. Of these radiations, only those with wavelengths between 2 and 4 microns (medium waves) have the highest penetration power in almost all substances.


Where these infrared resistors are used in standard conditions, we have standard Various Potentiator heaters in both quartz and ceramic variants, mainly based on size, power supply and standard power.