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Thermoregulation skid and complete fan heaters for immersion


  1. Used as process and finishing electric heaters tool kits and, the THERMOREGULATION SKIDS are units used to transfer heat.They are generally made up of:
    1. Main heating unit (heating beam) + cover / normal or insulated container.
    2. Thermoregulatory control unit and/or control panel/electric panel
    3. Start-up Frame/ Installation start-up platform for support / handling of the complete system

    Upon client’s specification, the thermoregulation skids are also supplied including auxiliary instruments, valves, pumps, exchangers.

    “AD HOC” PERSONALIZED SYSTEMS for Electric Process Heaters, Continuous Heaters, Superheaters and Heat Exchangers

    Always upon client’s specification, they can be equipped with electric panels for thermoregulation and process control, or through manual power variators, analogue or digital static power units SCR or P.I.D. controllers.
    Their advanced product design employs precise timelines and directions, since the system is personalized according to the technical specifications and precise process exigences the system is foreseen for.

    It is possible to manufacture thermoregulation skids in the non-dangerous environment version and in version for application in explosive environment, in explosive-proof configuration II2G EEx-d IIC / IIB (ATEX) 


    • Voltage: from 110 to 700 Volt.
    • Powers: from 10 to 3000 kW
    • Operating temperatures: up to 800 °C